39th Bomb Group (VH)



dfc.gif [The Distingushed Flying Cross]

Unit Citation
and Awards

arpuc.jpg [The Presidental Unit Citation]


Service Awards wwiivic.gif [The Victory Medal, World War II]

Click on the name of the Decoration, Service Award, or Ribbon Device to learn the criteria

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S/Sgt Joseph J. Jacurso
Tail Gunner
Joseph J. Jacaruso - Tail Gunner 1944

Joe and Anne Conners Jacaruso were married September 15, 1951. They have four children - Michael, 36; William, 33; and Mary Beth, 30.

Joe was employed by the State of Connecticut, Department of Transportation as Equipment General Supervisor. He retired in 1990 with 45 years of service. He works at the Norwich Golf Club.

Jacaruso is a member and past president of Norwich Golf Club, sits on its Board of Governors, and is a member of the City of Norwich Zoning Board of Appeals.

Anne returned to work after the children were raised. She is currently employed as a jewelry buyer, VIP Showrooms, Norwich, Connecticut.

Joe mentions that Crew 47 has managed to keep in touch since the conclusion of World War II. They have held crew reunions at Dayton, Ohio in 1988 and at Omaha, Nebraska in 1990
Joe and Ann Jacaruso
Omaha, Nebraska 1990

S/Sgt Joseph J. Jacaruso took his Final Flight on 01 October 2020

Source:Lloyd B. Volkmar, Crew 44 Historian for the book
"History of the 39th Bomb Group" by Robert Laird (crew 5) and David C. Smith crew 31)