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960th Airborne Air Control Squadron

On March 7 the 960th Airborne Air Control Squadron was reactivated at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The 960th traces it's lineage back to the 60th Squadron of the 39th Bomb Group of WWII.

Capt. Mark Rasnake, Projects Officer for the 960th would greatly appreciate any information regarding the 60th Squadron such as pictures, patches, historical information, experiences by former member of the 60th and so on. Capt Rasnake address is: Captain Mark Rasnake, 12105 Hickory Creek Blvd., Oklahoma City , Ok 73170 Telephone is 405-692-4822. His e-mail is

May I urge any former members of the 60th Squadron to help out Capt. Rasnake. I will go to Tinker AFB soon and share what I have with Capt Rasnake.

Dr. Vic Durrance, Historian
39th Bomb Group

This page was created on 09 March 2001
Copyright ©  2000-2001, 39th Bomb Group Association