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2004 Reunion St. Louis, MO.

2004 39th Bomb Group (VH) attendees
Photo Courtesy of Chris Athey, son of Samuel G. Athey, RG P-52R, 62nd BS

Click on the left or right half of the photo to enlarge that section

Attendees on bus #2 on the way to the water front for the dinner cruise

Dixieland Dinner Crusie
photos courtesy of Chris Athey
Click photos to enlarge

photos courtesy of Charles Orf
Click photos to enlarge

Ed and Jean Kosmowski
(Asst Crew Chief, P-8)
Dorothy Orf, Elizabeth and Ken Setzer (60th BS)

"Go West Young Man" Tour
Veterans Memorial Walk - O'Fallon, MO.
Photos Courtesy of Liz Van Kampen/Chris Athey
Click photos to enlarge

David Fisher, Radio, P-55
Marvin Rodich, Crew Chief, P-59

Art Swanberg, Radar, P-30
2nd from left is Art Swanberg, Jim Schwoegler, Radio, P-30; his grandson Jim Rudolph and daughter Mary Rudolph and Schwoegler's other grandson Jeff Van Kampen to the far left.

L to R: Front Row: Owen and Beth Whitfield

2nd Row: Joe Fair, Jeanette Hicks

3rd Row: Jim Wyckoff, Ed Kosmowski, Eoline Lewis

4th Row: David Hirsch

L to R:

Front Row: Ed and Bille Coon

Middle Row: Owen Whitfield

Back Row: Shirley and Joe Fair


Some 39th veterans and their families

L to R:
Jim Schwoegler, Rowland Ball, Nav, P-3; as Louise Weiler (standing) visits with Nan Ball.
In the background you can clearly see part of the 64 pairs of bronzed boots, installed left foot forward as though marching, set in a plaza in front of five, twelve-foot-tall, white granite and stainless steel monoliths. The monoliths are dedicated to each of the services. A flag pole, set by itself with one pair of boots, honors POW/MIAs. (see photos # 1 and 2). The boots represent a reinforced platoon.
If anyone has photos from the 2004 Reunion they would like share email
Patriotic Web Site Award by VAHome
This page was created 19 September 2004
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