Norm Brug, Mech, P-31; Bernie Greene, Bombardier, P-31; Ted Kalenterindes, FE, P-49; (and in the background David Fisher, Radio Op, P-55) (in green shirt) awaiting the bus to the National WWII Museum
Due to the extremely narrow streets in New Orleans, our motorcoach had to part one block up ...if you look between Bernie and Norm - where the front end a whitle can be seem between them .. is the enterance to our hotel. Photo is taken from the corner where the bus is park.
And just around the corner is the bus ....
New Orleans Street car - Green Line I believe ..
Just like at our hotel - the bus hand to park at the end of the block ...
this sidewalk leading to the museum entrance is filled w/memory bricks from veterans and/or family members who have made donated to the museum in memory of their loved ones and comrades.
Here is a close up to memorial brick..
Note: Mr. Martin Donovan, Jr. did not served in our group ... just happen to be the brick in the area of where the original photo was cropped.
As we ented our group was directed to a sitting area just
outside a small lecture room