20th AAF Insignia

The 39th Bomb Group (VH)
Guam 1945

314th BW Insignia
39th BG (VH) Insignia

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The 20th Air Force's five wings were divided into 20 Bomb Groups.   This is the history of one of those Groups. The 39th - stationed on Guam, the southernmost island in the Marianas. The combat missions they flew against Japan ultimately brought them two prestigious Distinguished Unit Citations. Lesser known, however, are the individual stories - some joyous, some tragic - stored in the memory of each crewman.

Then, too, there are those on the ground that serviced the big bombers, and many others whos duties it was to provide innumerable vital needs that readied both the men and planes to for the next mission. All these components provided by men of unflinching patriotism, dedication and courage, commendably performed the tasks they were called upon to do. Together they contributed in great measure to the victory.

Some of these personal stories that have remained in obsecurity for over 65 years are finally revealed in this gripping and overdue history ... 

Hopefully, one thing that will emerge from it all. When an aging veteran of our Group is asked by his grand-children:

"What did you do in World War II, Grampa?"

He can answer with boundless pride and satisfaction:
"I served in the 39th Bomb Group."

In Memory of the 39ers who fought
and Never Came Home!
Robert L. Addleman
Gerald W. Arundale
Raymond E. Barczak
David W. Barr
Clarence W. Beevers
William F. Blackington
Arthur C. Bowman
Jesse H. Chaffin
Harry W. Clark
Irving A Cohen
Kenneth Coli
Harris E. Collins. Jr.
Joseph F. Connolly. Jr.
Bertrand H. Constantine
Charles B. Coutts
John W. Courtney
Jack B. Covington
David R. Curry
William T. Davenport, Jr.
Lawrence H. Devine
David P. Donahoo, Jr.
Gerald A. Drouin
Roy V. Duncan
Kenneth E. Durham
Smith L. Edwards
James M. Engholdt
William T. Findley
Claude M. Fisher
Milford G. Fredertburg
Esteban Garcia, Jr.
Fred C. Graesslin
Milford F. Haines
Donald H. Haynes
Ralph H. Hazel
Astor G. Hero
Donald Q. Hopkins
Robert L. Hickey
Melvin J. Howard

Milton Jacobs
William G. Joyce
Edward M. Kanick
Odie A. Kelly
Reece Killpack
Cornelius W. Kobler
Howard Kolbert
Aaron M. Kopit
Gerhard J. Keuhler
Walter E. Kurasowicz
Frederick D. Langham
Carl R. Larson
Gerald M. Levinson
Harold W. Lockwood
Marvin H. Long
Clare A. Lovelace
Jim A. McCandless
Maurice G. McCormack
James I. McLatchy
Charles Markowitz
Jasper Martinez, Jr.
Henry T. Matthaus
Joe B. Medina
Edward J. Mose, Jr.
Phillip S. Munson
Peter G. Navarra
Joseph B. Neden. Jr.
Ernest E. Nyhoken, Jr.
John D. O' Reilly
Clarence G. Ogden
Alexander Orionchek
Richard E. Paquette
Justin J. Patsey
Benjamin L. Powell
Maurice J. Powsner
John A. Rauzi
Eugene C. Reck
Stewart J. Reid
William A. Reith
George W. Roberts
Walter C. Roessig, Jr.
Ernest T. Rogers
Walter M. Rusin
Carlton W. Russell
Robert J. Sabol
Hammond D. Sadler
Anthony Scaffidi
Richard J. Sloane
Jack W. Smith
William J. Southhall, Jr.
John C. Sprosty, Jr.
Harry F. Stallings, Jr.
Mervin L. Stanton
Raymond M. Stoll
Robert W. Swartz
Lawrence J. Toeppe
Albert P. Tomasetti
Leon Tomberg
Paul D. Trujillo
Thomas C. Ulrich
John Venturelli
Conrad E. Vogt
Jack G. Wampack
Austin L. Wible
John C. Wilkin
Myron D. Williams
Joe D. Wilson
Thomas P. Winteringer
Luther Woods
William L. Wood

39th Bomb Group (VH) News...
Navy Seabee Melvin L. Hicks passed away on 16 May 2024. Athough he served in the Navy during WWII .. he found his way to our group by way of Crew 33 .. they nicked named their B-29 Fifity-Second SeaBees. Finding this out Mel contacted the Association seeking to attend a reunion to make contact with members of Crew 33 as well all the other veterans of the group. After all if it were not for the seabees constructing air fileds and building .. B-29s of the 39th would not have been able to land at Guam and Iwo Jima... as such we call out our friend's passing .. Fair Winds and Following Seas Mel.
1st Lt Charles A. Smith, Radar Observer, Crew 44 took his final flight on 28 Mar 2024, Charles was the last 39th Bomb Group (VH) veteran who regularily attended the association reunions ...
2024 Reunion: !! SAVED THE DATE !!
JUNE 20 - 23 2024. Destination Grand
Rapids, MI ... Hotel information has been added to the reunion information page. When activites have been finalized packets will be available for download from our Reunion Information Page. NOTE: CUT OFF for Reunion hotel reservations is MAY 19, 2024. ASSOCIATION MEMBERS, If you have moved - MAKE SURE WE HAVE YOUR NEW ADDRESS SO WE CAN SEND YOU THE INFORMATION. DO YOU have ties to the 39th Bomb Group (VH) want to attend our reunion .. visit our Association Page to become a member of the association and join us at the reunion !!
Now Available: B-29 "Double Trouble" is "Mister Bee" is the biography of Lieutenant Colonel Elmer C. Jones U.S. Air Force Reserve (Retired) then First Lieutenant, Radar Operator, Crew 10, 60th Squadron. Click here for more information
2023 Reunion: The 2023 Reunion to Olkahoma City, OK is on Oct 12 - 15, 2023, See our Reunion Information Page. (location and hotel infomation is posted - activies once finalized will be add as they become available.
2nd Lt Francis W. Strahorn, Pilot, Replacement Crew 16, took his final flight on 03 Sep 2022
1st Lt Rowland E. Ball, Navigator Crew 3 (& Assoc 2nd VP) took his final flight on 21 Sep 2021
2022 Reunion: The 2022 Reunion to Baltimore, MD is on July 21 -23, 2022 sign up deadline is June 20, 2022... See our Reunion Information Page.
S/Sgt Bernard S. Ben Kaplin, Tail Gunner, Crew 56 took hs final flight on 30 Jan 2022
S/Sgt David H. Fisher Radio Operator Crew 55 (& Association President) took hs final flight on 27 Sep 2021 [more]
Louise Weiler (Association Secretary) & widow of Sgt Robert Weiler, Left Gunner, Crew 30, 61st Sq passed away Friday, July 23, 2021 [more]
2021 Reunion: The 2021 Reunion to Richmond, VA is on July 15-18, 2021 sign up deadline is June 15 ... See our Reunion Information Page.
2nd Lt. Cecil E. Davis, Pilot, Replacement Crew 6, took his Final Flight on 18 December 2020
T/Sgt Clyde A. Jones, Flight Engineer, Crew 39, took his Final Flight on 29 September 1953
F/O Theodore J. Kalenterides, Flight Engineer, Crew 49, took his Final Flight on 23 January 2021
S/Sgt Leonard P. Round, Right Gunner, Crew 9, took his Final Flight on 11 November 2020
S/Sgt Joseph J. Jacaruso, Tail Gunner, Crew 47, took his Final Flight on 01 October 2020
2020 Reunion: The 2020 Reunion to Richmond, VA has been CANCELLED. Please see our Reunion Information Page.
Cpl Arthur T. Ford, Tail Gunner, Crew 03, took his Final Flight on 26 December 2019
Major John (Jack) H. Keene, Airplane Commander, Crew 02, took his Final Flight on 22 May 2019
2019 Reunion: 2019 Reunion Information is now avaible on the Reunion Information Page ....
2019 Reunion: Our destination for the 2019 Reunion will be Raleigh, NC ... when plans have been finalized packets will be available for download from our Reunion Information Page. ASSOCIATION MEMBERS, If you have moved - MAKE SURE WE HAVE YOUR NEW ADDRESS SO WE CAN SEND YOU THE INFORMATION.
Sgt Floyd A. Dawson, Tail Gunner, Crew 12, took his Final Flight on 9 September 2002
1st Lt Daniel B. Clendening, Radar Observer, Crew 55, took his Final Flight on 14 Jan 2019
S/Sgt Frank J. Wrublevski, Left Gunner, Crew 37, took his Final Flight on 30 Nov 2019
Old News From Aug 2011 to 15 Jun 2018 Click Here
Old News From 16 Jan 2007 to 31 July 2011 Click Here

In Memoriam section
Updated: 17 Jul 2017
314th BW Section
Updated 3 Feb 2008

Click Photo to Enlarge
Click Photo to Enlarge


L to R: #4 Theron W. Worsham (shirtless man)- Crew Chief P-22; Others Unknown


This plane is NOT P-22 (Strato Wolf II) the legend is too faded
to answer any questions other than ground crew
Please email: updates@39th.org


The above photo appeared in the March 15, 1999 edition of the Wall Street Journal in an add for MetLife® describing their then 130 yrs of service. As you can see from the tail of the B-29 on the left - it shows a Square P. If you can ID these men, please email updates@39th.org

Thanks to Sgt Ed Kornblith, 60th BS, Bombsight Mech for providing the advertisement. (March 6, 2005)

If you can ID these men, Please email: updates@39th.org

Now Available
The author is Colonel Charles A. Jones USMCR (Retired), the proud son of Elmer C. Jones, radar observer, Crew 10, 60th Squadron, 39th Bomb Group (VH)
"Double Trouble is Mister Bee" Two Volume Set
Click on Image to enlarge

B-29 "Double Trouble" is "Mister Bee" is the biography of Lieutenant Colonel Elmer C. Jones U.S. Air Force Reserve (Retired). Enter the world of the best, most comprehensive accounting of a B-29 officer's wartime career including his combat missions; life on Guam; and his Japanese souvenirs (he traded his liquor rations to a Marine on Guam to obtain those souvenirs).

The focus is on then-First Lieutenant Elmer C. Jones’ wartime military service during World War II in the United States Army Air Forces: 28 combat missions over Japan in 1945 as a radar operator. He was in Crew 10, 60th Squadron, 39th Bomb Group (VH), flying 13 bombing missions and 15 photographic reconnaissance missions. The reconnaissance mission flown from June 25 to June 26, 1945 was "single ship" (meaning the crew flew the mission alone) from the crew's base on Guam to Northern Japan and back to Guam, 4,650 miles in 23:00 hours with no in-flight refueling. The mission was the longest nonstop aviation combat mission of WWII. Elmer C. Jones received one of his two Distinguished Flying Crosses for this mission and finished the war with 489:50 combat hours. He retired as lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Air Force Reserve in 1972.

Double Trouble is Mister Bee

For a more complete listing - see the What's New Page
New Pages Added:
P-62 Missions: Latta Mission Recollections
Profile Page: Navy SeaBee Melvin L. Hicks
Profile Page: S/Sgt Benard S. Kaplin, TG, Crew 56
Profile Page: Cpl Arthur T. Ford, TG, Crew 03
Profile Page: 1st Lt Joseph W. Clark, Bomb, Crew 37
Profile Page: Sgt Floyd A. Dawson, TG, Crew 12
Profile Page: S/Sgt Joseph C. Paruti, RG, Repl Crew 11
Profile Page: T/Sgt Charles G. Singleton, HQ Sqd. Armament
Profile Page: 1st Lt Michael Serafin, Radar, Crew 60
Dedication Page: Pfc John M. Smith, 62nd Sqd. Special Vehicle Op
Crew 57: Ground Crew 57 page
Dedication Page: Sgt Vinson G. Fowlkes, CFC Gunner, Romspert Crew
Profile Page: 2nd Lt Cecil E. Davis, Pilot, 1st Replacement Crew 6
Profile Page: Cpl Vernon Ingram, LG, Romspert Crew
Dedication: Pfc Frank R. Heberling, Armorer, 62nd BS
Dedication: 1st Lt Walter E. Fauerso, FE, P-29
Dedication: S/Sgt Robert R. Malinoski, Radio Op, P-48
Ordnance Section added for 61st, 62nd & HQ Squadrons
62nd BS Armament Section Page
2010 Reunion Photos: Photos from ALL events now online
Dedication: 2nd Lt Urban F. Thinnes, Bomb, Romspert Crew
Dedication: 2nd Lt Edward A. Romspert, A/C, Romspert Crew
Dedication: 1st Lt Carroll G. Snustad, AC, P-56
Dedication: Capt Thomas E. Collins, AEO, 62nd BS
Crew 2: Award of DFC
Crew 17: Award of DFC
Mission Diary: Sgt Albert L. Kyler, TG, P-17
Dedication: S/Sgt Edward F. Kornblith, 60th BS, Mech
Dedication: Capt Joe Glickman, Admin Ofcr-61st BS
Crew 21: MACR 14425 added to section
Crew 16: MACR 14367 added to section
Reunion: 2009 Reunion Information has been added to the web site
Dedication: S/Sgt Carmen A. Catanese, Mech, P-49
Dedication: 1st Lt Sheldon E. Elliott, Nav, P-51
Dedication: 1st Lt Harry B. Eddy, Bomb, P-57
Dedication: Capt Eugene S. Land , AC, Repl P-26
Dedication: 1st Lt James L. Taylor, Bomb, P-27
Dedication: 1st Lt Louis L. Orenbuch, FE, P-47
Crew 44: Award of Distinguished Flying Cross
Dedication: Sgt Norman L. Stokes, Airplane Pwr Plant Mech 60th BS
Reunion: 2008 Photos
Dedication: Capt Anthony Quesada, Radar, P-27
Dedication: 1st Lt John B. Keliiaa, Pilot, P-49
Dedication: 1st Lt Joseph E. Smith, Crew 13, FE/Grp FE

Updated Pages:
Crew 62: Crew Main Page - Added Crew History
Crew 62: 1st Lt William E. Rainwater, AC - Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 62: S/Sgt Wilmer E. Latta, Radio Op - Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 62: Mission List
Crew 44: 1st Lt Charles A. Smith, Radar Ob - Final Flight Honor Roll
Headquarters Squadron Ground Personel
to incluide duty
Crew 55: S/Sgt David H. Fisher, Radio Op, to Final Flight Honor Roll
Repl Crew 16: 2nd Lt Francis W. Strahorn, Pilot - Final Flight Honor Roll
Orders Page - Added Sections of GO 64 Award of DFC
Crew 56: S/Sgt Benard S. Kaplin, TG, to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 55: S/Sgt David H. Fisher, Radio Op, to Final Flight Honor Roll
1st Repl Crew 6: 2nd Lt Cecil E. Davis, Pilot to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 39: T/Sgt Clyde A. Jones, FE, to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 49: F/O Theodore J. Kalenterides, FE, to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 09: S/Sgt Leonard P. Round, RG, to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 47: S/Sgt Joseph J. Jacaruso, TG, to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 03: Cpl Arthur T. Ford, TG, to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 02: Maj John (Jack) H. Keene, AC, to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 12: Sgt Floyd A. Dawson, TG to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 28: Maj Charles B. Miller, AC to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 55: 1st Lt Daniel Clendening, Radar, to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 37: S/Sgt Frank Wrublevski, LG, to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 55: Sgt David L. Hirsch, TG, to Final Flight Honor Roll
2nd Repl Crew 6: 2nd Lt. Andrew P. Ftacek, Bombardier to Final Flight Honor Roll
1st Repl Crew 6: 1st Lt Hollis Logan to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 1: S/Sgt Charles Orf, Crew Chief to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 54: S/Sgt Stephen M. Wolski to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 30: Sgt Robert E. Weiler added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 29: S/Sgt Lester P. Fauver, Jr. added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 26R: T/Sgt Norman L. Mills, FE, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 8: S/Sgt Edward R. Kosmowski, Asst. Crew Chief, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 43: Sgt Thomas M. Mayfield, Jr., TG, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 24: Sgt Richard B. Vogenitz, LG, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 60: Main Page
Crew 60: 1st Lt Michael Serafin, Radar, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 20: 1st Lt Portfirio Rios, Radar, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 20: Sgt William H. Carter, Tail Gunner, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 05: S/Sgt Robert E. Laird, Left Gunner, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 10: 1st Lt. Elmer C. Jones, Radar, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 30: 1st Lt. Arthur D. Swanberg, Radar, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 43: S/Sgt Martin T. McDonough, LG, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 13: 1st Lt. Donald A. Gerth, Pilot, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 30: 1st Lt. William A. Costa, Nav., added to Final Flight Honor Roll
61st Squadron Page: Identified "unknown 39er" as F/O Edward Kammer, Radar, P-28 in Sloppy Joe Photo.
Crew 03: S/Sgt Russell Forbes, LG, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 21: Sgt Victor R. Durrance, TG, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 06: 1st Lt Warren C. Foster, Navigator, (and P-17 Repl Nav) added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 48: S/Sgt Robert R. Malinoski, Radio Op, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
1st Lt Garvin Kowalke, Pilot (P21); AC (Repl P21), added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 49: 1st Lt Warren H. McDowell, Radar, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 17: S/Sgt William H. Fleischman, Radio Op, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Romspert Crew: 2nd Lt Urban F. Thinnes, Bomb, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Orders Page: GO 107 Sec 1 XXIst BC - Award of DFC Miranda & Price Crew 13
Crew 29: 1st Lt Walter E. Fauerso, FE, Nav, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
61st BS: 1st Lt. Jack Tishkoff, Radar, RCM, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 06: S/Sgt Raymond L. Schwartz, Radio Op, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 59: S/Sgt Marvin J. Rodich, Crew Chief, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 17: Sgt Albert L. Kyler, TG, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 33: 1st Lt Frederick W. Dock, Nav, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 33: F/O John J. Peny, FE, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 30: S/Sgt James E. Schwoegler, Radio Op, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Orders Page: GO 53 4 Sept 1945 Award of DFC added to site
Sgt Aldon D. Evans, 60th BS, Mech added to Final Flight Honor
Crew 42: Sgt Richard Barczak, TG, IDed in photo
62nd BS: Pfc Salvatore Navilio, Mech, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 32: Sgt Winston W. Smalling, Radio Op, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
61st BS: Pfc Robert S. Murphy, Mech, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
WOC: Capt Kenneth T. Trow, AC, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 7: 1st Lt William E. Badgley, Bomb, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
61st BS: Capt Joe Glickman, Admin Ofcr, added to Final Flight Honor Roll
Sht Metal: Cpl Robert L. McCoy, 60th BS to Final Flight Honor Roll
Sht Metal: Pfc Eugene J. Palombo, 60th BS to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 58: 1st Lt Robert D. Brace, Nav, Dedication Page Updated
Crew 58: 1st Lt Robert D. Brace, Nav, to Final Flight Honor Roll
Crew 33: S/Sgt Harold Krumnow, Radio Op to Final Flight Honor Roll

39th BG Veterans:

We want and need your experiences ... adding your remembrances to our site not only preserves your memories but helps fill the gaps in our group's history. Daily family members of 39ers contact us asking "What did my father, uncle, great grandfather etc do in the 39th BG?" For some we have the answers .. for others we are not sure because the particular records are not available. With your memories added to site, they are able to read your experiences in your words .. if you are not the type to share with family about your WWII Days. After your gone .. it will be too late! You ARE the Greatest Generation no one can knows better than you .. what you went through - the hardship you endured ... the price you paid in defending our freedoms so many years ago.

Do you have any updates to existing information? We're interested in that as well.

Make sure we have your email address so we can contact you regarding your Association's news as well as web site updates.

Visit the Contact Us Page for the right person to reach. You can also contact the Association Officers by checking the Association Page

The Blackened Canteen
This book is about 5 Americans, Jack O’Connor, Monroe Cohen, Ken Colli, Newton Towle all who were crewmen on B-29’s who were killed in a mid-air collision on June 20, 1945 and buried by Fukumatsu Itoh alongside of the 2000 Japanese killed in the raid and Richard Fiske, the bugler on the battleship West Virginia when it was sunk at Pearl Harbor and three Japanese, Hiroya Sugano, 12 years old when his city was bombed in 1945, Takeshi Maeda, the navigator on the torpedo bomber that sank the West Virginia and Fukumatsu Itoh, a city councilman and Buddhist Priest. Only two survive today, Dr. Sugano, who is 74 and Takeshi Maeda, who is 89.
Webmaster's note: The two B-29's involved in the mid-air collision were 39th Bomb Group (VH)'s Crew 42 and the 29th Bomb Group (VH)'s Everdon Crew.

Military Orders:

We're looking for copies of military orders that pertain to the 39th Bomb Group (VH) (HQ, 60th, 61st and the 62nd Bomb Squadron). We are also looking for copies of orders pertaining to the 314th Bomb Wing, Headquarters as our web site has dedicated a section to these fine men who served.
[ more ]

Veterans & Families of 39th Veterans:
The 39th BG Web site has a Facebook Group so that you may share your experiences with each other and/or family members of a 39th BG Veteran can learn more about what their loved one did during their service.
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This site was established 25 June 2000/Revised
10 December, 2024
Copyright © 2000-2025, Pete Weiler| 39th.org| 39thbombgroup.org